How to Start Dog Grooming Business in 2023?

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Start Dog Grooming Business in 2023

You all know very well that at present keeping dogs in cities has become a fashion. In such a situation, any entrepreneur can start dog grooming business in 2023.

If you do not know about grooming, then it is the action in which animals are made clean and beautiful by cleaning, brushing, cutting hair, etc.

However, a grooming company provides its services not only for dogs but also for other pets such as cats, horses, etc.

But at present, dogs have the highest number of pets in cities, which is why starting their own dog grooming business can be a highly profitable business for any interested person.

A dog grooming company provides services ranging from cleaning of dogs’ hair, nails, teeth, etc. to facials.

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At present, people want to dress their dogs properly by getting facials and other treatments to take them to the dog exhibition. And since most people keep their pet dogs as members of the household, they are extremely conscious of its cleanliness.

The dog’s hair needs to be trimmed to be taken to the dog show, it is necessary to stay clean in order to pamper the dog. This is the reason why the demand for dog grooming services in cities is constantly increasing.

And if you want to take advantage of this opportunity then you can start your own dog grooming business.

What services can be provided in a dog grooming package?

As we mentioned, people in cities have started treating pet dogs as a member of the house. In such a situation, they have started taking special care of its cleanliness and look.

If you are considering starting your own dog grooming business then you can offer the following services to your customers under the dog grooming package. 

How to Start Dog Grooming Business in 2023?

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Dogs’ hair produces lice, fleas, etc., to eliminate them, they need to be bathed with lice and anti-fleas.

  • Cleaning thoroughly using scrubbing i.e. brush and water.
  • Cleaning the eyes and ears.
  • Trimming the dog’s nails.
  • Clean the dog’s teeth thoroughly with a brush.
  • Preparing hairstyles to participate in dog shows.
  • A dog is an animal and during this cleaning, it is necessary to first alert the dogs to attack them.
  • Anal gland expression – In this, the feces stuck in the anus of dogs are cleaned.  

Why would dog owners come to Groomer?

Whatever services we have mentioned above, you would think that any person who has raised a dog can do it himself. So why would people come to dog groomers?

As we have already mentioned, a dog is an animal and it cannot be held for a long time for such cleaning at home. A dog groomer can do all his work comfortably by alerting the dog if needed.

Apart from this, a dog groomer also has experience, training and adequate equipment in doing dog hygiene, cleaning, facials, trimming, etc. With the help of which he is able to do all this works comfortably.

Dog groomers tell the dog’s owner about any problems present in the dog’s eyes, ears, legs, or any part of the body, and also tell the dog how to fix it.

This is the reason why people who raise dogs often need a dog groomer.

How much space is needed for dog grooming business? 

The space required for this business will depend on what kind of grooming center the entrepreneur wants to start. If the entrepreneur wants to start a grooming center in which he can provide dog grooming services even by visiting his customers’ homes. So it doesn’t need a lot of space or land.

Rather, he may need about 200-300 square feet of space to set up a small office of his own. To do the rest of the work, he needs a dog grooming van and a fabrication unit.

That is to say, if the entrepreneur wants to start his own mobile dog grooming service centre, then he can set up his office by renting a small shop in the market of that area.

Yes, the entrepreneur must take care while choosing the shop that there should be a place to park the dog grooming van outside it.

And the entrepreneur’s office should be in an established market where thousands of millions of people come to buy the things they need every day.

License/Registration required for Dog Grooming Business

To start a dog grooming business you may need to have the following licenses and registrations.

  • In the initial stages, register your business as a proprietorship firm.
  • Create a PAN with the name of the business and open a current account.
  • Get GST registration as a tax registration.
  • All the necessary documents of the grooming van are registration certificate, pollution, insurance, permit, driving license etc.
  • If the entrepreneur wants, he can also register his business with an enterprise.
  • Trade license will also be required from local authority such as Municipal Corporation, municipality, etc.

Machinery and equipment required for dog grooming business

The machinery and equipment used in this business can be divided into two parts. General equipment and equipment used in grooming vans. 

General Equipment:

  • Curry and curry brushes – These types of brushes can be made of rubber and plastic. These brushes are rubbed over the dog’s hair. It helps to create natural oil production in the skin.
  • Shelding Razor – This razor is used to remove dead hair from the dog’s body, straighten tangled furs.
  • Sleeker Brush – It is used to comb the hair of dogs with curly and long hair. 
  • Rake – This is used to go deep into a dog’s thick coat.
  • Bristles Brush – It is used to clean dust, soil, etc. from the dog’s skin.
  • Wires Pin Brush – It has bristles made of metal. 
  • Combination Pins Bristles Brush – This type of brush has bristles on one side and pins on the other side.
  • Matte Comb – These are comb and razor shaped.  
  • Stripping comb or knife.
  • Shears and clippers – These are used in the process of cutting etc.
  • Stand dryer, cage dryer and hand dryer
  • Grooming Table

Equipment used in grooming vans 

  • Attached bathing tub in a van made of stainless steel
  • Grooming Table
  • Dryer
  • air conditioner
  • Pressure Pump
  • Water Tank
  • Generator Set
  • Camera
  • Gps
  • Storage Wardrobe
  • A ladder that can fold
  • Electric Cable
  • Exhaust Fan
  • geyser

Other equipment and raw materials for dog grooming business

  • Slicker brush
  • Tick Comb
  • blade
  • Nail Clipper
  • scissor
  • ribbon
  • Table Duster
  • Floor Duster
  • Surface Sanitizer
  • Garbage Bags
  • Wall Clock
  • Dustbin
  • Spray bottle
  • Small Dryer
  • First Aid Kit
  • viper
  • Haircut Booklet
  • Massager Brush

Overall, on the machinery and equipment required to start a dog grooming business, the entrepreneur may need Rs.10 lakh to buy a dog grooming van and the remaining ₹ 8 lakh to buy all other equipment and raw materials.

In this way, the entrepreneur needs to spend Rs.18 lakh on machinery equipment to start this business.

What are the popular styles for grooming?

The entrepreneur in the dog grooming business can offer a variety of styles to attract his customers. Some of the popular styles are described as follows.

Pom Style – In this, a stylistic cut is made in the dog’s body in which the hair grows, usually dogs whose hair is fluffy and poodle.

Round Feet Style – In this, the legs are cleaned with scissors and given a round shape.

Searing – This procedure is done to trim the hair in the dog’s mouth, tail, legs, etc., especially in places where it is not possible to use a clipper.

Reverse shaving – The process of shaving on the opposite side of a dog’s hair is called reverse shaving.

Skirting – This is styled to give the hair of a skirt to dogs who have long hair on the front and back.

Top Knot Style      

How dog grooming process is done?

The dog grooming process involves all kinds of activities related to cleaning and washing of dogs. People want their dogs to get their dogs less sick and they look attractive and groom them to dress up for the dog show. This process may involve the following activities.

Blades/clippers – Clippers are devices similar to razors, which are used to take the length of dogs’ hair.  

Carding – This is a procedure in which dead undercoats are removed using a blunt sharp tool.

Cleaning the face of dogs – using a small blade; By doing this, the process of saving the face, muzzle and cheeks of dogs is completed.

Cleaning the dog’s feet – The process of trimming the nails of the feet and cleaning up to the ankle is done.

Complete the process of clipping and sizing.

The de-matting process is completed.

The forced air drawing process is completed to dry the dog’s furs.

The process of hand stripping and plucking is completed.

As far as earning from this business is concerned, an area where rich people live. And if they have dogs as pets, there they can earn a lot of money by starting this kind of business.

According to one figure, the entrepreneur can earn a net profit of up to Rs.5 lakh in the first year of the dog grooming business.

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